
Dr. Jennie R. Patrick

Dr. Jennie R. Patrick is the first Black woman to earn a doctorate in chemical engineering.

Dr. Aletha Maybank

Dr. Aletha Maybank is the first Chief Health Equity Officer at the American Medical Association.

Ms. Caroline Hunter

Ms. Caroline Hunter is a chemist, anti-apartheid activist and educator, and co-founder of the Polaroid Revolutionary Workers Movement (PRWM) which helped to force Polaroid’s divestment in South Africa during apartheid.

Dr. Nola Hylton

Dr. Nola Hylton is an imaging scientist, breast cancer researcher, and professor-in-residence in the Department of Radiology at the University of California, San Francisco.

Dr. Vivenne Malone-Mayes

Dr. Vivenne Malone-Mayes was the 5th Black woman to earn a Ph.D. in math and the first Black faculty member at Baylor University.
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