
Dr. May Edward Chinn

Dr. May Edward Chinn was the first Black woman to earn a medical degree from Bellevue Hospital Medical College (now NYU Medical School).
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Dr. Lilia Ann Abron

Dr. Lilia Ann Abron is the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D. in chemical engineering (1972).

Dr. Betty Wright Harris

Dr. Betty Wright Harris is a chemist who was also a leading expert on explosives, environmental remediation, and hazardous waste treatment.

Dr. Margaret S. Collins

Dr. Margaret S. Collins was an entomologist and civil rights activist, who was famously known as “The Termite Lady.”

Mx. Morgan Collier

Mx. Morgan Collier is graduating with a B.S. in Psychology and focus in Biology. Select link for more info.

Dr. Candice Bridge

Dr. Candice Bridge is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Central Florida and the National Center for Forensic Science.